Printing a PDF Pattern

Printing is one of the most critical parts of your project. These instructions detail how to print your pattern after successfully downloading the file to your desktop (click here for information on downloading the PDF pattern).


Right click on the file, hover over “Open With” and click on the PDF viewing program you are using. Adobe Acrobat is the most common.


The PDF file should be open in the PDF viewing program.

Never use a browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) as a PDF viewing option. Browsers are meant to provide quick printing and do not have robust settings which are needed for PDF patterns. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a great free PDF viewer.


Click File > Print. A print dialogue box with settings should pop up. The only setting that should be adjusted is the scale, which needs to be set to 100% scale, or actual size. Scale to fit (the default setting for many printers) will cause your pattern to be incorrect.


Measure the test square on the first page of your pattern. It should measure 2” x 2”. Anything else is incorrect, and you should reprint. You can print the first page of a pattern to verify scale/print settings before printing off the full pattern to save paper. Please note each PDF pattern technically starts on page 2, as page 1 is always a layout guide.

Seriously, never skip this step. This is what causes 99% of size issues.


Make sure the margins are correct before starting to piece together your pattern. This setting is typically auto-adjusted, and you don’t need to worry about it. However, if your pattern looks like the incorrect image below, the print margin setting is incorrect, and the printer is trying to print outside the printable area. This is typically caused by printing from a mobile device or printing from an internet browser (not downloading the PDF file to a desktop first, or not using a PDF viewer). Google is a great resource to learn more about adjusting your margin setting, as this varies by the printer and your PDF viewing program. 


Downloading a PDF Pattern


Piecing Together a PDF Pattern